oral hygiene

10 Effective Oral Hygiene Practices for a Healthy, Strong, White Teeth

Oral hygiene is so important as it keeps the mouth clean and free from diseases and other health-related issues. Don’t you just love clean, strong, white teeth? Oral hygiene should be a routine, carried out regularly in order to prevent dental diseases, bad breath and to make your teeth smell nice. Maintaining an oral hygiene routine transcends beyond regular brushing – more importantly, it has to do with brushing the right way and observing a regular hygiene practice that will help you maintain healthy teeth.

Bacteria sometimes find their way to the teeth, particularly if one is not properly catering for the teeth; these bacteria can lead to oral infections like tooth decay, gum infection, and much more.

Here are 10 effective oral hygiene practices you should observe for healthy, strong, white teeth;

Practice Brushing Before Breakfast

Brushing before breakfast is important as it removes bacteria residue in the mouth that was probably stored overnight. In fact, when you wake in the morning, one of the first things to do is to brush your teeth and do it properly. Note these key things when brushing your teeth;

  • Use a soft-bristled brush;
  • Begin by brushing the inner back part of your teeth and then move to the front part of the teeth;
  • Brush your tongue back and forth;
  • Clean between the teeth;
  • Spit, rather than rinsing. Rinsing takes away the fluoride needed to make your teeth look whiter, prevent cavities and tooth decay. So, practice spitting instead of rinsing.
oral hygiene
A lady brushing her teeth with a toothbrush. Photo credit: pixabay.com

Use an Effective Fluoride Toothpaste

Fluoride toothpaste helps prevent cavities, strengthens weak spots and exposed roots, and staves off tooth decay. So, it is advisable to use effective fluoride toothpaste.

Do not Brush Immediately After Consuming Sugary Foods

Do not be in a haste to brush your teeth after consuming sugary foods. Wait a little while, it could be an hour later, so the sugary contents do not spread over the enamel. More importantly, reduce your intake of sugary foods and drinks as they can have an adverse effect on your teeth.

The Use of a Mouthwash Should be Inculcated in Your Daily Routine

Regular use of mouthwash is crucial for healthy, strong, white teeth. Mouthwash helps to prevent cavities, mouth debris, cures gum and canker sores, prevents plaque (sticky film) buildup, and gives you fresh breath. So, inculcate the use ofmouthwash in your daily oral hygiene routine.

 Stay Hydrated

It is vital to stay hydrated. The amount of saliva produced is reduced when the mouth is dry, which can lead to a breed of bacteria in the mouth, leading to tooth decay and other dental-related issues.

Ensure you Brush Before Going to Bed at Night

Make it a habit to brush your teeth properly before going to bed at night. Follow the outlined steps above for brushing and do that at night as well.

Eat Teeth-Whitening Foods

There are healthy foods that aid in whitening the teeth naturally. Some of these foods include; strawberry, apple, baking soda, pineapple, milk, cheese, celery, carrot, yogurt, and orange. Ensure your diet is replete with these foods for whiter teeth. It’s also important you take crunchy fruits and vegetables as they help to cleanse tooth surfaces as you gently chew these fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, they are filled with essential vitamins and minerals for stronger teeth.

Regularly Floss

oral hygiene
A lady flossing. Photo credit: pexels.com

Flossing should be as important as brushing your teeth. The American Dental Association recommends cleaning between your teeth daily with an interdental cleaner such as floss. Flossing is not just beneficial to your teeth, but your overall health as well as it reduces your chance of developing heart disease, improves your appearance, prevents gum disease, and eliminates plaque.

Visit your Dentist

You need to see your dentist at least twice a year for a dental checkup as well as recommendations on how to maintain healthy teeth. You also get professional treatment of dental problems such as cavities, tooth decay, and the likes.

Use an Electric Toothbrush as its Effectiveness Outweighs that of the Manual Toothbrush

The electric toothbrush is more effective and efficient in comparison to the manual toothbrush. There is the ease of use with the electric toothbrush, it also has more cleaning power, it is a better plaque removal, reduces the risk of gingivitis, tooth decay, and other dental-related issues.

It is crucial to regularly care for your mouth, in fact, make it a routine. Having strong, white teeth, and fresh breath begins with a commitment to maintaining effective oral hygiene. Get that alluring smile back with healthy teeth!

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