Four ways you didn’t know about when dealing with Teenage Acne

Teenage acne is one of the most common problems that come with puberty, often causing self consciousness and insecurity. Your teenager may try different remedies to get rid of acne. It is important to guide them about which are safe and which are not.

Causes of Acne

An increase in the levels of hormones during the teenage years causes the sebaceous glands (oil glands within the skin) to produce more sebum (oil). The oil clumps with the dead skin cells and other debris, blocking the hair follicles and leading to acne.

Acne may not cause serious problems. When left untouched, the pimples or zits will fall off without leaving a scar. However, blocked follicles can get painfully inflamed, and in some situations, may get infected. It can lead to discomfort and may also make acne more prominent.

Usually, teen acne goes away once you cross puberty. However, in some, it could last a little longer, and this could be because of various reasons such as diet, stress, and hormonal disturbances.

How to Manage Teenage Acne

  1. Wash the face with an oil-free face wash:

Clean the face twice a day with an oil-free face wash, once in the morning and once at night. Gently use a small quantity to clean the face without scrubbing the skin and pat dry with a clean towel instead of wiping.

  1. Consume foods that contain vitamins:

Adequate intake of foods containing vitamins A and E may reduce acne and improve the skin condition. A safe and healthy source of vitamin A for a teen is fruits and vegetables. Dietary sources of vitamin A and E are leafy green vegetables, sweet potatoes, avocado, mango, pumpkin, red bell pepper, mango, milk and eggs
A diet with adequate vitamins A and E may help reduce the intensity of acne and lead to clearer skin.

  1. Manage stress:

Emotional and mental stress does not cause acne but may aggravate existing acne. Research suggests that the sebaceous glands may be affected by the corticotropin-releasing hormone, a stress hormone in the body. The hormone could lead to excess sebum production, thus increasing the likelihood of acne. Minimizing emotional stress is essential for teenagers, considering that they also go through several physical changes at this age. Having acne may add to the stress, as they become conscious of their appearance. Spending time with family and talking to the parents about what is stressing them out can be relaxing. Another way to beat stress is to stay physically active.

  1. Exercise:

Exercise can cause the adrenal glands to produce fewer hormones that trigger acne flare-ups. Regular exercise can also bring down the levels of stress hormones that could cause acne. Exercise has a positive impact on a teenager’s overall health and is worth a try for controlling acne.

Acne may be a cause of concern for the teenager, but it is often a normal part of growing up. Most adults have had to deal with acne during their teenage years. The severity of acne tends to decrease eventually, as the child moves towards the end of their teenage years. Care, a good diet, and a healthy lifestyle and attitude can help the teenager face teenage acne.

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