You have the ability to create your own mind-set(your thinking process). Whether your attitude is positive or negative,that becomes up to you. The power to transform your environment, clique of friends, and behaviour, is within your control.

Just like a computer absorbs raw data, so does your mind. Within your mind a culture(a way of living, a program) has been formed over time. Many people feel like they have no control over their mind, because this culture(programming) has become negative. The negativity is a result of past experiences, being in a negative environment, or being under the influence of unconstructive ideas.

Similar to a computer virus, you have to identify it quickly, to avoid letting it spread within and take full control of your mind. You can also pass this virus of negative thinking to people around you. As a result you are spreading negative energy around, like “weeds in a field.”

Much like a farmer, you cultivate too. The energy in your mind is the crop, and it is up to you, whether it is weeds or wheat. If you have a farm and let a field take care of itself; you will be lucky to have any kind of a crop, from it.
This is the same with the energy within your mind.

You have to option to pick quality seeds: Information, in the form of books, eBooks, DVD’s, CD’s, lectures, courses, workshops, and seminars providing very good content. This can be described as learning for the sake of self-improvement, and it results in a positive mind-set.

However, your work is not finished, because you must still reinforce the lessons, and keep everything in a focused order. This might be compared to fertilizing, watering, and “weeding the mind.” You have to work at it continually or the weeds will grow back. This, my friend, is meditation, and one of the reasons why we meditate, in the first place.

Meditation is controlled focus on an object, thought, or task without judgment.
This process makes it possible to look at all situations objectively. You can find solutions, turn negative situations into positive learning experiences, and create your own positive mindset. As a result of this you will meet new friends, achieve goals, solve problems easily, and develop an unbeateable spirit.

Learn to take out quality time of the day to meditate, try to focus on the positives of life only. Try to be in a calm place while meditating, in this situation, you will see things with a clearer picture. Yoga exercises are a sure way of learning how to meditate.

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